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Discolor Pill

Discolor Pillers are people who are not consistent. They change their minds at a moment's notice. They change their positions when they lose, and they don't take accountability for their actions. Furthermore, they can't commit and bail out when things turn south.

These Discolor Pillers would rather blame other people for their mistakes than take the blame.

Women these days took the Discolor Pill, and now they don't take accountability for their past mistakes. They always blame men for everything they do.

by Mister Arbiter June 8, 2024

Vermilion Pill

The Vermilion Pill is associated with the Red Pill. Men who have been Vermilion Pilled will blindly follow someone and not question his morals and ethics even if he is in the wrong. These Vermilion Pillers are overzealous and obsessed fans of youtubers, especially those in the Manosphere, and will target their critics/haters by spreading false rumors on social media, doxing, sending death threats, etc.

The Vermilion Pill has come to encompass all overzealous fans, regardless of their gender, of celebrities, bands, politicians, and actors.

Those famous dating podcasts sent their Vermilion Pilled men to stir up trouble on their unsuspected haters.

by Mister Arbiter June 11, 2024

Six Sixes

The Six Sixes is a list that Western women use to assess the quality of dateable/marriageable men for a potential mate. These same women have these standards for their ideal man.

1. 6-figure salary.
2. At least 6 feet tall.
3. At least 600 horsepower in his car.
4. A 6-pack abdomen.
5. At least 6 months since last relationship.
6. At least 6 inches below the belt.

Jill has a standard Jack, do you meet the six sixes requirements?

by Mister Arbiter April 27, 2024

Gold Knight

Gold Knight is a synonym for the idiom "Knight in Shining Armor."

A Gold Knight is a man that helps a woman when she's in distress. This chivalrous man protects women in difficult situations if necessary. He is always ready to rescue her from distress. This type of man also has a heart of gold, meaning that he treats others with goodness and kindness.

My husband is kind to people and determined to fix problems. I married a Gold Knight!

by Mister Arbiter April 25, 2024

Magenta Pill

The Magenta Pill is about Men Going Their Own Way, more known by its acronym, MGTOW. Being magenta pilled is men who realized that society is rather gynocentric than patriarchal, thus realizing there is a bias against men in the current society.

The problem with current society, according to magenta pillers, is the double standards in gender roles, bias against men in family courts, and marriages. Men have checked out and separate themselves from women, dating, and society, which magenta pillers believe has been corrupted by feminism.

This is part of the pill ideology, like the Red Pill, Blue Pill, etc.

Lots of Western men have been magenta pilled by current events.

by Mister Arbiter May 1, 2024

Silver Knight

He is a man who is not a "Knight in Shining Armor" but pretends to be one. He tells others what they want to hear and does things solely to make himself look good. Likewise, he does not really care about what other people have to say or think because he does things for his own self-interest.

He is a man who has never had his metal truly tested. He's basically a fake Gold Knight.

Jack the Silver Knight strikes again! He told our teacher that he would help us out on our school project and never followed through! Go figure.

by Mister Arbiter April 25, 2024

Rose Pill

Have you ever heard of "La vie en rose?" It essentially means "seeing life through rose-colored glasses." Rose Pillers are people who live with an attitude or have an outlook of positivity, trying to see beauty in everyday life. Their view of life is so optimistic in a naive sense that they are seeing it better than it actually is or was.

Jill is Rose Pilled to the point where she doesn't distinguish between good and bad dating experiences.

by Mister Arbiter April 29, 2024