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A term given by Australian media outlets to their mates in professional sport, when trying to cover up a serious misdemeanor you or I would be prosecuted for.

"Geez, Ben Cousins must be the luckiest bloke alive"

"Yeah nah larrikin spirit mate. They said so on the footy review"

by Mochko Eden September 11, 2022


A term invoked by Australian media when they want to get one of their mates in sport or entertainment off the hook, after a misdemeanour you or I would be prosecuted for.

"Did you see how full of white candy Footballer X was at the Brownlow Award? Started a fight with the event staff for no reason"

"Yeah nah, larrikin spirit"

"You or I would have been busted for that. There's photographic evidence"

"Yeah nah, just a kid, bit of a larrikin, benefit of the doubt"

by Mochko Eden September 11, 2022