Source Code

beer cav

short for: beer cavity

(n) a cavity in one's tooth as a result of too much beer drinking and not enough tooth brushing.

Molly: Hey Kara, wanna kick it after school?

Kara: I would, but I have to go to the dentist to get my beer cav filled! I'm definitely bringing a tooth brush to our next party!

by Molly April 20, 2006

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Nay Nay

to be naked, without clothes

Jade, Molly, and Alisha are nay nay together in the shower

by Molly August 26, 2004

98πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž

shizzle to the nizzle

A term used to give props to the big guy. Expressed usually when commenting on something of intrest or liking.

Hey man did u check out the totally cool audi?
Yeah dude it was totally shizzle to the nizzle!

by Molly January 1, 2004

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Mashed Potatoes Man-Gravy (with Beef Wellington)

When you place a large helping of mashed potatoes into the ass crack of your individual of choice. Then you spray your "Man-Gravy" onto the mashed potatoes and proceed to eat them out of your partner's ass. If Beef Wellington is involved, the partner shits into the Mashed Potatoes the entire load.

Kyle iinvited me over for dinner. He failed to tell me that Mashed Potatoes Man-Gravy was to be our dessert. Of course, I surprised him with a little Beef Wellington on the side.

by Molly February 1, 2005

14πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


a man with a small unit. It is derived from the following scenario....when a girl is intimate with a guy and the first time she places her hands in his pants and she realizes that he has a small unit...your heart just melts cause you feel so bad for him and you just want to stop what you are doing and give him a hug.

Did you hear, Amanda hooked up with Dave on Friday night, she said he was a hugger?

"Oh girl, don't go home with him tonight, nice guy and all, but he's a hugger"

by Molly January 21, 2005

25πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

SK Wow

A variation on the classic Enlgish expression wow, originating from the streets in South Kingstown, Rhode Island.

When Shaquanda and Kyrhonda beat Taylor and B.J. in a game of pool, all they could say was SK "Wow"

by Molly October 6, 2004

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


An inconsious person whom is in desperate need of love

After Sindy broke up with John he became a doober.

by Molly November 29, 2003