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A total idiot with no sense of respect for any human being (and sometimes even other creatures) failing in various actions of seeming like a normal functioning member of society. A Logpaul can usually refer to (but is not limited too) a YouTuber, Social Media Influencer and people of similar types. Sometimes, the Logpaul may create an apology video to apologize for their actions, only to be in most cases quite deserving hated even further.

Have you seen this, this influencer is a total Logpaul

by Momsucker Hitlerweiner October 20, 2021


A combination of the words "Reddit" and "Retard" usually used when referring to a Redditor who's terrible in behavior

They're just downvoting him because he said that Big Chungus isn't funny, what Redditards

by Momsucker Hitlerweiner July 30, 2021