Source Code


A future word describing indecipherable objects: mysterious red-white-and-blue cloth, tattered paperback copies of the Constitution, Barbie dolls, portraits of Thomas Jefferson, carved Philadelphia chairs, dog licenses, coins, photos of things called World Trade Center and Golden Gate Bridge. They will be rumored to have come from a lost civilization, but one few people can believe ever existed.

'Another piece of Amerarcana?' he wondered, as he brushed the mud off the strange, almost perfectly round object, circled by small red lines and weird black marks which were shaped like 'M-a-j-o-r -L-e-a-g-u-e' and might once have meant something, although no one could say.

by Monkey's Dad February 14, 2020

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discrushionary income

When the amount of money you can spend any way you want is crushingly little.

Another week without a paycheck, his free-spending days a fond memory, he counted his discrushionary income in the roundest of numbers.

by Monkey's Dad March 16, 2020

conspiracy theory

Literally - the idea of people breathing together.

Con=together. Spire=breathe.

She didn't want a respirator, didn't want to expire. Her inspiration was that once the pandemic passed she might breathe with other people, her conspiracy theory, and it filled her with hope.

by Monkey's Dad April 27, 2020

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A degree of passive-aggressive behavior which has the opposite of its intended effect, making the person appear childlike.

She always waited a few days to answer his texts, thinking that it would hurt him, when it only made her seem passive-regressive.

by Monkey's Dad April 3, 2020

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postponing the election

Canceling the election.

"Trust me, folks, it's for the good of the country", Trump announced on Fox, postponing the election in an ultimate and terminal blow to the United States of America. "We'll get to it, around the same time I release my tax returns."

by Monkey's Dad May 13, 2020

turning 21

The age at which a person, and America, are due to attain maturity.

After four crazy years, during which so much happened that she knew she'd later be ashamed of, she was ready. "21" was shiny with promise, and turning 21 in '21, she and the country were eager to put it behind them.

by Monkey's Dad December 24, 2020

social duhstancing

Pandemic precautions so obvious that they should not have to be explained.

Don't stand in the midst of a crowded bar, don't hug and kiss strangers, don't take selfies with friends... because it could kill you. Yes, really. Lots of people already know this. It's called social duhstancing.

by Monkey's Dad June 18, 2020