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Commonly used in glasgow banter when describing the act of making love to someone. Very crude term to use, so would be used as an alternative to such words as Rattled, Banged, "Pumped Rotten" etc... Would not be used towards someone you respected in any case.

Glasgow Slang - "Aww Man, ye shouda seen the wee durty a got aff wae it eh dancin last nite. wiz gaggin fur it, but she wiz on the rag... tell yeh wit tho, next time ah see her, she's well gettin SNAKED"

Translated - "I Say, Samuel. You really should have seen the lovely fair lady i embraced in a kiss with only but an evening ago. She wished to retire to my humble abode to make passionate love, but unfortunately her monthly period was in full flow. However, count it as most certain; next time we meet she will, without a doubt, be getting SNAKED"

"So where are you staying once we arrive in Florida? Ever been SNAKED on a plane?"

by Mr Rendell November 14, 2006

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Scottish Slang, very similar to the word fucked, in the sexual intercourse sense, rather than in the wasted sense. To be Boabed, is to have had the boaby in you.

"My god Clarence,i never thought i would say such a thing, but now that i've seen her on youtube with her legs spread, and her pubes trimmed into the shape of the McDonalds logo, your mother would most definately get boabed!"

"i went to my girlfriends house the other evening because she was wanting boabed"

by Mr Rendell October 22, 2006