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the dialect that 40% of Filipinos speak

Most Visayans can speak Tagalog but not many Tagalogs can speak Visayan.

by Mr Wall May 10, 2007

91👍 27👎


A euphanism to the word "fuck" created and used in Battlestar Galatica but has become popular by dorks who don't want to swear.

you can pick out the dorks by their use of the word frack in casual conversation

by Mr Wall July 11, 2008

58👍 88👎


Crap ass movie that is only liked by the fans of the Wimmer since they can’t admit he’s a shitty director.

Wimmer was doing such a shitty job on Ultraviolet that the studio pulled the project from him and did their best to salvage their losses.

by Mr Wall July 4, 2006

35👍 24👎


Abbreviated for Costume Play

Mostly used for Anime and Comic fans that like to dress up as their favorite characters and go to conventions or other themed events. The costumes are usually home made and will include all the accessories the characters has (weapons, luggage, pets, etc) . Strangely, it’s not uncommon to see Males dress up as female characters and Females dress up like Male characters.

Sadly, 90% of them look like big fucking dorks, mostly because THEY ARE big fucking dorks, meanwhile the other 10% who are always female look pretty hot in an almost fetish manner.

I can’t wait for Anime Expo 2006! i've got my cosplay almost ready to go! I’m gonna dress up like one of the demons from Legend of The Overfiend! I just hope I can find enough dildos!

by Mr Wall January 10, 2006

397👍 622👎


Fremont CA, prime example of a white suburban city located 40 minutes south of San Francisco. People who live there have no desire to leave or excel in life. They are happy to get married before they can legally drink, spit out a half dozen kids, drink bad Light beer and never get exposed to any real culture.

All culture is fed to them thru the television and US weekly since going out and actually experiencing the world is beyond their capabilities.

• Why the fuck do you still use moose?
• There’s nothing wrong with it! All my friends think it looks good
• That’s cuz you live in Fremont!

by Mr Wall November 30, 2005

60👍 207👎


Middle upperclass white male usually in their mid 20’s to late 30’s. Raised in the suburbs and got their MBA paid for by their mom & dad. They attempt to hang out in major metropolitan areas at trendy little bars spending their time with coked out cougars.

They can be easily identified since they always travel in packs, will all have overly gelled hair and all wear vertically stripped shirts with the stench of excessive cologne basically looking like a pack of date rapist.

I hate going to the marina, it's full of Broseph's and Cougars

by Mr Wall September 1, 2006

65👍 105👎


A person whose jealousy of another person success or achievements makes them verbally nit-pick any flaws no matter how small or just make up flaws in order to somehow try and belittle the successful person.

The term is more often than not used improperly to title a person who simply does not like something or someone because it’s not what they are into.

Hater: there’s no way John could score a chick that hot, he’s gotta be paying her
Dude: man, why do you have to be a straight up hater?

by Mr Wall July 24, 2006

336👍 249👎