Source Code


police term for "Danger to themself & others" somehow adopted by motorcycle Stunters to mean "Crazy" even though the correct police term for Crazy is 800

check out the guy on the R1, he's straight up 5150!

by Mr Wall February 8, 2006

575👍 480👎

Red Bull and Vodka

originally started out as a trendy LA drink, quickly turned into a teenie bopper drink

the quickest way to get carded at ANY bar is to order a Red Bull and Vodka

by Mr Wall July 30, 2007

26👍 29👎


Probably THE most uncreative movie ever made. Swiped fully off of much better movies like THX 1138, Fahrenheit 451 & 1984 but added nothing of it’s own to the genre. The biggest flaw of this movie is its whole “NO EMOTION” concept which is easily found flawed since EVERYONE had emotions. 2nd would be its bullshit Gun Kata that was merely designed to tap into the current trend of other Hollywood Kung Fu movies.

when 67% of critics say Equilibrium blows... there's a chance they're right.

by Mr Wall December 31, 2005

54👍 74👎

hos before bros

white boy term meaning to choose your buddies over a chick. though generally true, this exact phrase is usually only spoken by wiggers

dude! I don't bale on us tonight for a chick, we got a case of budweiser man! HOS BEFORE BROS!

by Mr Wall September 5, 2006

27👍 252👎

gun kata

a fictional and stupid faux martial arts with guns used in a lame ass movie called Equilibrium and believed plausible by it's idotic fans.

jim got killed last week when he attempted to use Gun Kata to stop a bully, the bully grabbed the guns from him and beat the living shit out of Jim while yelling at him "you're supposed to shoot a fucking gun! not wave it around!"

by Mr Wall December 31, 2005

76👍 113👎


Fresh out of college mid 20’s people who claim to dislike all that is mainstream or popular, which is usually reflected in their taste of indie music and how quickly they’ll shun a group the moment they end up on a soundtrack, TV commercial/show or on the radio. They also dislike mainstream fashion which makes them easily spotted since the guys all wear the higher-then-clam-digger style pants while the girls all wear extremely thick rimmed glasses. (Making them conformist in their own group).

The surest sign of a hipster is their dislike for everything corporate so while they may never want to buy anything from a Starbucks, Gap or Pottery Barn, they will have no problem working for them since they always seem to be flat broke and complain about having financial problems, even though they have mom & dad paid BA.

Note: Hipsters dislike the title of hispster and are irritated to be called one.

Person: hey, I really like that Garden State soundtrack
Hipster: The Shins suck now for letting their song be on that album, how dare they try and make a buck.
Person: you’re such a typical Hipster
Hipster: I am NOT a hipster!

by Mr Wall November 16, 2005

868👍 1004👎


a city of extremely laid back yet extremely high-maintenance people

a person from Seattle will be ok with any type of restaurant (McDonalds to Rodizio) but upset if the table is within 20 feet of the kitchen.

by Mr Wall July 11, 2008

66👍 36👎