Source Code


Java! A different Word for Coffee.

Xabier, did You want any Java this Morning!?

by Mr. Baby Boys Blue May 31, 2015

187👍 40👎


An Inlet of the Sea or other Body of Water.

It'd Be fun if the Bay was close by Us.

by Mr. Baby Boys Blue November 15, 2014

244👍 46👎


Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Area Code.

Who's going to The 843 this Summer!?

by Mr. Baby Boys Blue May 27, 2015

131👍 8👎


to say deuces, or farewell. peace man.
best of luck, in your journey in life.

peace, best of luck man.

i truly want world peace.

by Mr. Baby Boys Blue December 6, 2014

43👍 75👎

Myrtle Beach

A beach, that has awesome attractions. Located in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Myrtle Beach, is My favorite Beach in the U.S.

by Mr. Baby Boys Blue November 26, 2014

163👍 48👎


Of A Color Intermediate between Green and Violet.

The Clear Blue Sky.

by Mr. Baby Boys Blue November 17, 2014

249👍 82👎