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Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


What you truly want to say out loud when something goes colossally wrong.

Anxiety fuelled people:

What someone with anxiety thinks when they tell someone something. then thinks telling someone might have the slightest possibility of backfiring in any way, shape, or form.


*head on car crash*
You as you waver your way to the afterlife-

“fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! I thought It was a 2 way street!”

Anxiety bitches:


“Oh fuck why did I tell them I was anxious???!? What if I’m not anxious enough to get help and I’m just freaking the fuck out!!???… OOOOHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!”



by Mr. Mundee January 14, 2022

7👍 4👎

Cock giggles

The sound a penis makes if it is abused to much in a single sitting.

After watching my little pony, and masturbating furiously he had cock giggles.

by Mr. Mundee January 25, 2022

Shiny tooth nigga

Any rapper who is stupid enough to gold plate their teeth.

Look at that shiny tooth nigga slingin over there.

by Mr. Mundee May 4, 2021


An apprentice is just an idiot who gets in the way of people actually working.

“Fukin apprentice couldn’t do this job even with instructions.”

by Mr. Mundee July 5, 2023