Source Code

Texas Instrument

A gun. A choppa. A burner. You need a Texas Instrument to calculate math problems and a Texas Instrument to stay calculated. Stop playin' wit me.

John: Don't let me catch you in the streets

Tevin: I ain't worried. I keep a Texas Instrument on meh

by Mr. Rugby November 3, 2020

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BlockBuster Bitches

BlockBuster Bitches are hoes that you rent for a small period of time. Just like BlockBuster, the bitch might be rented out and you gotta come back next weekend to see if they available. As they get older they get moved to the back of the establishment and the new ones get put on display.

James: You still messin' wit them BlockBuster Bitches?

Me: Every bitch a BlockBuster Bitch lowkey

James: You right

by Mr. Rugby November 3, 2020

Fast Ear

Fast ear is the feeling you get when you listen to a song you've heard before and think that it is faster than usual but it actually is the original speed. When this happens you should immediately turn the song off and come back later and listen to avoid any permanent damage.

Georgy- I have to get the song from a different site, that track is sped up.

Jessica- No it's not, its the same speed. You just got fast ear.

by Mr. Rugby February 22, 2014

Her/she Bar

Someone who puts their pronouns in their bio.

Jimmy - She seems cool
Philip - Yeah but she's a her/she bar. She has pronouns in her bio
Jimmy - Dang! Another lost one

by Mr. Rugby March 14, 2021

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Baby Poseidon

Baby poseidon is the generic brand blue raspberry juice you get at your local grocery store for at MOST $1.50. This is the juice you take home in slurp down in 2 days and is 0% real juice. This type of juice is also known as blue drink or some people just call it Kool-Aid.

XBOX Live Gamer: Hold on guys, imma go grab a glass of that baby poseidon real quick.

XBOX Live Gamer 2: Alright, we'll wait for you.

by Mr. Rugby February 3, 2012

Swag Library

A Swag Library is a wardrobe of clothes in style and very appealing. A Swag Library consists of enough clothes to match up a new and different outfit for 2 weeks straight. When it comes to a swag library being rich or poor can't change the amount of time needed to create it. It takes 3 - 5 years to successfully create a swag library because it should consist of different styles of clothes for different seasons of the year and only certain items are considered swag which would have to be added piece by piece to the library. Most people start around ages 17 or 18. In recent history an average of 1 of 64 people have successfully completed a Swag Library and you know who they are.

Person 1: James has on something fresh everyday! Dude has mad swag

Person 2: Yeah! Where does he get all this stuff?

Person 3: Hes got a Swag Library.

by Mr. Rugby February 3, 2012

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The official act of shooting a 3-point shot from the far left or the far right of the hoop and making it. The feeling you get when you make it is the same feeling you get when you bite into a brand new Snickers.

Tevin- Hey Jimmy! How come you haven't had a Snickers in long time?

Jimmy- I'm trying!!!!

Tevin- Oh well, you must like Reese's.

by Mr. Rugby November 3, 2011

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