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unattainable, yet tantalizing. A person of such power who can control you with their overWhelming and GAY mind games which make you want them more but still, they are after all not tangible to the hands of innocence, especially mine who already hurt. With their super seductive ways, they may corner you and force feelings yah never wanted to share just so they think you actually care, and of course you do love Dingledine ... but He has a girlfriend and she is a beautiful sun rising every new day, her name is dawn! i am only ostracized once agian within a world of fantasy where i will be waiting for him to meet me, a red rose wilting while we hold hands in our heads.

you are UNTOUCHABLE ! unless you break beyond the barrier of a brick wall, and let me in your life

by NEurOtiC * AnGeL December 7, 2004

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