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1.a man and/or woman, made of shit.
2.a person of exceptional shitness..aka are really bad at what theyre doing/trying

1.ahaha...look at that guy try n kickflip...pfft shitman
2.can you play poker?..."nope"....well your a shitman aren't ya?

by NOFX=finally, a punk band May 7, 2006

28👍 27👎

douche rack

definition for....i.e,....a group of 2 or more douches/assholes, or pricks

dude1: hey dude...check out those posers over there.
dude2: yeah i saw....pffft..what a douche rack

by NOFX=finally, a punk band May 7, 2006

7👍 1👎