Source Code

ass nigga

Two words that act as a suffix when describing a person's occupation or demeanor by use of adjective, or of their position/rank/identity etc.

For female persons "ass ho" can be used.

1. Jessica Alba's boyfriend is one lucky ass nigga.
2. I just got jumped by some brutal ass niggas on the street.
3. That lifeguard ass nigga just saved my life.

by Naked Assassin November 7, 2005

244👍 45👎

ass ho

Two words that act as a suffix when describing a female person's occupation or demeanor by use of adjective, or of their position/rank/identity etc.

For male persons "ass nigga" can be used.

1. Jessica Alba is one fine ass ho.
2. I just got jumped by some brutal ass ho's on the street.
3. That lifeguard ass ho just saved my life.

by Naked Assassin November 7, 2005

18👍 15👎