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Used as a Name: Essence is the most living creature every they are serious yet curious, they always push themselves and do better then best. Essence is always there when you need her and there when you don't want her to be. Once in a while she can be a bitch, but you count on her to un-bitch when you need her. She knows more pain mentally or ohysicals that you will ever know. She cares because of the pain shes went through. Essence cant trust easily at first but after she does it isnt hard to keep it. She is tougher then the rest of the world combined. Essence will know things that you wont think of and she has a lot of baggage, but a true friend will stay with her with all her ups, downs, lefts, right, blacks, white, hots, colds, silence, and noise. Thats how she chooses her friends!!!

OMG! Did you see Essence she was pissed one moment and the next she was as happy as a dog with its bone! How can she do that?

Yah, i know, she the toughest person I know

by Name Masterer May 18, 2017

78👍 16👎


Donald Trump


by Name Masterer May 5, 2017

25👍 10👎