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hidey-hole (HI dee hole) noun. Refers to a womans's vagina when it is used to stow/stash contraband or other object for transport and concealment. esp. as in example below.

Sue, that dirty lying theiving fuck-nose shikse, puts an Elmer's Glue bottle full of 'clean' urine in her hidey-hole before her weekly drug testing at the methadone clinic.

by Ned Ludd July 30, 2005

39👍 44👎

bag ho

bag ho (noun) From the formal "Bag Whore," used to refer to anyone who exchanges sexual favors in the attempt to acquire your crystal methamphetamine, often a desparate act.

Dude, that lousy cocksucking gutter-butt smoked up all my muthafuckin' dope.

by Ned Ludd July 29, 2005

21👍 11👎


teener, (TEE ner) noun. a 1/16th of an ounce, generally methamphetamine.
syn. 'teenager' or 'teenth'

Sue: I'm so glad we came to O'ahu but I'm so totally shot after missing our connection.
Michael: Me too! I thought I'd shit myself when that dog sniffed my ass at LAX.
Sue. OMG! Is that how you schlepped that teener to O'ahu? In yer hidey-hole?
Michael: Yup. I hope it's enough for the next 4 days.

by Ned Ludd August 4, 2005

229👍 122👎


fuck-nose (FUK noze) noun. a goof, an idiot, a fool, a douche bag, a shlameil, a shmendrek, a yutz, a shmeggie. Generally used in a derogatory fashion behind one's back. Can also be used endearingly.
plural; fuck-noses, is seldom used.

Sue's friend: Hey, I heard that Sue failed a surprise urine test at the clinic last week. I even told the bitch not to get high! But she don't even care. Now she hasta...
Not Sue's friend: Damn! I'm sick of that dumb fuck-nose bitch. She'd fuck up a wet dream.

Maryanne: Hey there fuck-nose! Sup? I hurt dey busd yo ass at ta clinic lass week.
Sue: Hey, yeah, I got all fucked up and forgot to put the Elmer's Glue bottle with some clean urine in my hidey hole.
Maryanne: That's fucked up.

by Ned Ludd August 2, 2005

12👍 11👎


acks (axe) vt., (from Ebonics: akin to ASK) 1. to use in words in seeking the answer to (a question); to try to find out by inquiring 2. to put a question to a (a person); inquire of -ackst, -acksin

Sistuh Woman: Hey, sup Cressida? Did you acks Tyronne if he got us the shit?
Cressida: Fuck that crazy nigguh.

Sistuh Woman: I'm through wit his narrow yellow no count ass anyway.
Cressida: Shit bitch. I'll acks him then.

Cressida: (to Tyronne) Yo muthah fuckah, you got me my shit or what?
Tyronne: Oh bitch, please...

by Ned Ludd August 2, 2005

46👍 32👎


noun. (SHICK suh) Any not Jewish woman, usually a blonde courve that every lovely Jewish mother fears her son will marry.

Mordecai: Ma, This is Sue, the woman I told you about.
Ma: (To herself: Oy vey!) What a lovely creature! I didn't catch the last name dear...
Mordecai: (To himself: Oh fuck!)
Sue: "Smith" Mrs. Goldfarb.
Ma: Lovely name, what was it before dear?
Ma: (To herself: Jesus Christ, a fucking shikse! My son has brought home a courve, I hope the neighbors didn't see her.)
Sue: Before what Mrs. Goldfarb?
Mordecai: (To himself: Jesus Christ! How do I explain this one?)
Ma: You'll have to excuse me, I've got (the) shpilkus. Lovely to meet you Sue.

by Ned Ludd August 4, 2005

68👍 21👎

Elmer's Glue bottle

noun- refers to an empty 4oz bottle of Elmer's Glue that is filled with clean urine and placed in one's hidey-hole and used, often repeatedly, to receive a clean urine test at the clinic.

Clean junkie: Hey there fuck-nose. You look all fucked up and shit. How are you ever gonna pass a surprise piss test at the clinic?
Sue the Dirty Junkie: Hey. Know what? Maryanne's gonna give me some clean piss in an Elmer's Glue bottle. I'll put it in my hidey-hole. They'll never know! Fuck em!

by Ned Ludd August 2, 2005

11👍 9👎