Source Code


A word specific to a group of sixteen bureaucrats led by a rotund leader, possibly with sweaty dew-flaps and a flushed face.

The official title of this leader is 'Fat Cunt'.

Student: Fuck I hate Ouja and that Fat Cunt.

by Neil Burnside April 13, 2008

1👍 3👎


A proposed new letter to be added to the English alphabet. Represented by the character Þ.

The only use for Þ is when translating the sound a modem makes while connecting into English, similar to the hissing of a feline with phlegmy throat.

Can be compared to gutteral noises found in the Arabic language. (Possible Semetic roots?)

Gayaal: What does the modem have to say?
Tim: Beeeeeeeeeep ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ (Quel) Beep.

Arab: ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ Muhhamed jihad *boom*

by Neil Burnside April 13, 2008

13👍 15👎