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Trevor Strnad

The most badass and awesome lead singer from the Melodic Death Metal band The Black Dahlia Murder who recently passed away in 2022. You will never be forgotten on how much made the band really special to us Metalheads.

R.I.P. Trevor Strnad, may your wonderful epic soul rest well.

by NepgearAfficionado July 23, 2022


A very retarded song created by a wannabe cowboy that admits he's a sellout and a white person who can't rap

Lil Nas X fan: Did you listen to INDUSTRY BABY?

Me: No

Lil Nas X fan: u should it's fire

Me: Ok, I will *Listens to the song* WTF IS THIS SHIT?

Lil Nas X fan: it's rap

Me: This doesn't sound like Rap, it sounds like someone having a stroke in auto-tune

by NepgearAfficionado August 13, 2022

8👍 63👎


The types of people that ruined my fucking life in GTA Online.

Me: I love driving around in my Sultan RS and just chilling!
Some random Tryhard on their Oppressor Mk2: Shut the fuck up bitch ass nigga ur trash kid go play fortnite lol
*Gets blown up*
Me: WTF was that?
The same random tryhard: 1-0 ur trash lzzzz
Rockstar: Buy shark cards and the Oppressor Mk2

Me: I fucking hate Tryhards.

by NepgearAfficionado August 9, 2021


Are you fucking retarded? STOP going up years! It's really pointless! It's legit been almost 100 Years! I'll seriously destroy that time machine thingy of yours!

No definition for 2121 here! Get a life.

by NepgearAfficionado March 20, 2023


The religion of Ferraris. Ferrari worshippers in this religion are known as "Ferrarists" and they worship their god, Enzo Ferrari.

I follow Ferrarism....

by NepgearAfficionado April 25, 2022

1👍 1👎

Rat Porn

Pornographic material that’s rat related.

Dude: Hey bro, you want some Rat Porn?

Vinesauce Vinny: How about no.

by NepgearAfficionado May 22, 2022

Need For Speed: ProStreet

It was once a controversial entry in the Need For Speed franchise that received mixed reviews upon release, due to it’s temporary transition from street racing into closed circuit racing. However, when people and streamers like KuruHS picked up the game and played it years later, the game would receive quite a bit of a cult following, despite its flaws. ProStreet has a nice sense of speed, fun gameplay and is one of the harder NFS titles in terms of the Black Box-era titles. (Not counting UG1, MW2005 or Carbon’s rubberbanding.)

Need For Speed: ProStreet is a nice game to check out if you ever get bored of Most Wanted or Carbon.

by NepgearAfficionado January 16, 2023