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When ever a kid acts retarded and that kid front flips. A Bateman is a juul finatic and always needs pods. Bateman will wrestle you. He says he won’t talk to a kid. Ex Preston, but you damn well he lying. Yeah what you bateman!

That kid is such a bateman

by New Cumberland February 12, 2018

7👍 6👎

Rite Aid Robber

Along time ago in 2016 Zach robbed a local Rite Aid and stole a track phone. Recently he has been seen with his accomplices Squeaky and Hendry.

Rite Aid Robber must of stole your track phone

by New Cumberland February 10, 2018


A term used to describe when someone is being autism and doesn’t know how to type in a group chat. Batezarvs usally are retarded and you need to watch what they do in case they steal your money or FTK funds. Batezarvs can’t go 5 minutes with out spilling a soda or without asking for a charger

That person reminds me of Batezarv

by New Cumberland April 9, 2019