Source Code

cut corners

When you have to do something, and in order to finish it faster you leave some parts out. This is usually negative and associated with cheating.

The history report was due on Monday so Maya cut corners by leaving out the time line.

Robert was supposed to run around the entire track but he cut corners by taking a shortcut and not going around the corners. (I believe this is where the term is derived from)

by Newbia May 30, 2004

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Someone who believes that abortion should be legalized.

There is a differance between pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life people want to stop abortion because they think it is wrong. Pro-choice people may think abortion is a good or bad thing, but they want women to have the right to do it even if it's not a good choice to make.

Josephine is pro-choice, because even though she thinks abortion is wrong she believes in womens rights.

by Newbia June 10, 2004

393πŸ‘ 137πŸ‘Ž

the passion of the christ

A controversial movie directed by Mel Gibson that came out in 2004. It is about the last twelve hours of Jesus Christ's life.

This shows the different views on this movie:

Christian Guy: Did you see The Passion Of The Christ? I loved it, was uplifting and now I love God more than ever.

Not-Religious Guy: I hated it, it was too bloody.

Aethiest: I didn't like it because it's just stupid Christians scaring children into being Christian.

Guy Who Does Not Exist: I'm pretty nuetral about the movie.

by Newbia May 31, 2004

364πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž


A straight male who has a feminine side (especially caring about appearances). It used to be that when a man acted like this, people thought he was homosexual.

I used to find it sad that any man with some nice traits like dressing well or being able to cook was considered homosexual, but now I know he's metrosexual.

by Newbia June 10, 2004

7πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Mad Mod

Character on Teen Titans TV show. All episodes concerning him were written when the writers were extremely high. Bizarre, but amusing. Probably insulting to British people.

Come here, my duckies!

by Newbia December 29, 2005

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1)Year 2000. (Y=year, 2k=2 times k, k being short for kilo which means 1000)

2)Computers only counted the last two digits of a number, so they didn't know the difference between 2000 or 1900. This would cause various problems with dates and finances, and would cause a big mess. People were panicking and saying that when 2000 rolled around, all the computers would crash and the nuclear bombs would go off or something.

Good thing I'm Amish, Y2k won't affect me!

by Newbia May 30, 2004

967πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž

The Incredibles

A movie produced by Pixar that came out in American theaters November 5th, 2004. It was directed by Brad Bird and voiced by Craig T. Nelson and Holly Hunter. The main characters are Bob Parr and Helen Parr (also known as Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl) and their children Violet Parr, Dash Parr, and Jack Jack. They are all superheroes.

The Incredibles recieved rave reviews due to it's beautiful animation and action sequences, wonderful plot, better characterization than many adult films, humor, and general awesomeness. Some people say that it's not as good as Pixar's previous movie, Finding Nemo, but I think it is the best animated movie I have ever seen.

by Newbia December 29, 2005

130πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž