Source Code

canadian abcs

The Canadian ABCs are the alphabetical sequence of letters used in the Canadian language. While this is very similar to the English ABCs, there are included a variety of letters exclusive to the language.

This alphabet goes something like this:
A, B, C, D, E, F, Guy, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, Buddy, Q, R, S, T, U, Friend, W, X, Eh, and Pppphhhlbt. It can be noted 'Pppphhhlbt' is pronounced in several variants, such as Phlphlbbbt or Slcluhhhchlbpt.

Shortly after learning the Canadian ABCs we could start practicing fluent Canadian.

by Niger Tits October 3, 2015

Swaddish Fish

When an individual uses one's own tears to fill up a cup of any given size, and places into said cup a Swedish Fish or two, then freezes it with a toothpick or other similar utensil in order to eat it later in the manner of a popsicle.

I felt sad so I made a Swaddish Fish in an attempt to cope with depression.

by Niger Tits October 9, 2017

gender conformist

When you god damn know that your gender is defined whether you got a dick and testes or you got a motherfucking set of ovaries and Fallopian tubes.

Them niggas be like "you're such a gender conformist". I mean, dayum right niggas. I got a dick, I'm a man, and it ain't 'cause of mother fucking society.

by Niger Tits September 20, 2015

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political erectness

Political Erectness is defined as n. 1. The art or skill of using political correctness to seduce the other gender or sex,
2. The act of being aroused by politically correct behavior.

This word comes in other variants, such as politically erect.

Dude 1: Last night I acted politically erect and got some illegal immigrant puss.
Dude 2: Last night I beat up some white male cis scum and scored huge femipussy.
Dude 1: We're pretty good at political erectness! Let's go suck some sand nigger tiddies.

by Niger Tits May 24, 2017

Latent Tits

A hidden set of milk jugs a woman has from birth, which transform from A-Cups to D-Cups over the course of the summer or a random weekend. They appear all of a sudden, as if they've always been there.

Are you wondering where your tits are? Well guess what? Your latent tits have been inside you all along.

by Niger Tits May 24, 2017

urban dictionary

That thing that used to be funny and won't let you publish definitions EVER.

I miss when Urban Dictionary was actually funny.

by Niger Tits September 20, 2015

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towel law

The unspoken rule that towels' rights are less than any other person's, excluding towels themselves. Towels are not allowed to:
1. Read
2. Write
3. Vote
4. Drive
5. Leave their designated area
6. Dry anything their masters say not to
7. Disobey a master's orders
8. Smoke, drink, or have other substance-related activity
Towels are subhuman filth.

Thanks to Towel Law, the towel was punished sternly by the whip for attempting to write a book about how to drive, against Amy Schumer's vagina's wishes. It was quickly rolled into a makeshift dildo-tampon and shoved back in. Amy Schumer stopped menstruating a long time ago, so don't worry. It's just super sweaty and gross.

by Niger Tits October 9, 2017