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On the nod

(Verb) Oftentimes the condition or state of being a person wishes to attain, and usually does whenever the sufficient amount of opiates are consumed. Successful attainment will include eyes closed and head titled slightly down. In its most extreme form this writer has seen a person practically folded in half while standing upright as if they were touching their toes.

Grant doesn't have a single pair of pants that do not have cigarette burns on the legs. Every time he gets on the nod he will light a cigarette, then he'll closes his eyes and he doesn't come to or snap out of it until the cigarette burns up and burns a hole in his pants.

by Nikki Stixx July 22, 2020

205👍 4👎


(noun) A clean, unused hypodermic syringe received from a reliable source.

Before Mike could seriously get busy with his latest investment he had to bum a virgin off of Gus, whom he knew had thousands.

by Nikki Stixx October 18, 2019

404👍 50👎


A lifestyle and/or state of being in which a person's lowly economical standing in society is both celebrated and embraced.

Nick had been out of work for nearly a year, but not by choice. Not letting that discourage him, he scrapped, food-stamped, hustled and did what he had to do. Nick was certainly living the BumLife.

by Nikki Stixx December 10, 2018

249👍 2👎


(noun) Any type of phrase, action, suggestion, falsification that is introduced into an interaction between any shady-style, rip-off, con-man, double/drug dealing cheat and their soon-to-be-without-money-and/or drugs victim(s) presently in the making. These shorthand stylings are simply subterfuge to keep the victim confused and unsure, taking attention away from the main business at hand. Seasoned pieces of shit can, will, and do spin their hector-ped days, weeks, even months if needed depending on how long the victim continues to pursue their long-gone finances that were gone permanently at the very moment the money reached Hector's hands. From the front to the back and top to the bottom, hector-ped is used on the reg by the most wiley, streetwise pushers to the most dim-witted nickel-and-dime predictable cheats, but regardless of their standing it is always most deplorable and a black mark on all who may be associated with such swindlers no matter how loosely linked.

Nikki just knew in all his being that he was about to be burned and fixing to get the fuck-job done on him the minute he put his cash in Charles's hand, felt it. The look in Charles's conspiring and greedy eyes all but insured him of such. 'That fuckin' bug' thought Nikki, 'I should just run over the cockroach outright before he even gets back in the ride without his money, questionable dope, and enough hector-ped that he'd be spewing that lying bullshit that could easily be passed off as some crock of shit created by a third grader to everyone until he got out of the vehicle. Lie after stupid lie, line after every bullshit line, Charles would come out to the good' Nikki knew.

by Nikki Stixx September 21, 2021

13👍 1👎


(verb) To puncture one’s skin or another’s skin with a hypodermic needle in an attempt to inject drugs into the body. Though not universal in its use the word is oftentimes used when the stabber is having some frustration from the process (I.e. not hitting a vein).

The first time Nikki’s FuckDoll asked for him to inject her with dope he pussyied out and shortly thereafter ran to be with his then girlfriend. After much time and regret the opportunity again showed itself to Nikki. This time however he stabbed her first time in……now when ever those two are hanging out not only does he stab her in the veins but she welcomes him inside her and demands he stab her in her warm, wet, and welcoming honey-hole, which usually turns into an all night Sex marathon of…..everything.

by Nikki Stixx November 25, 2022

13👍 2👎


(verb) The situation and/or state of a man's conscious and body directly following a powerful orgasm. Easily distinguished characteristics of such include a depletion of energy and acute sleep.

While still smoking the cigarette he had lit for her, Shannon curled over closer to Nikki, who was fast asleep. Moments earlier he had came something hard up inside her and now lay asleep and dead to the world. Without question the eager young learner was spent.

by Nikki Stixx May 1, 2021

182👍 21👎


Short slang for milligrams.

I tell you what, Randy was downed and on the nod after forty migs of oxycodone.

by Nikki Stixx December 10, 2018

260👍 9👎