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Gnarls Barkley

1. Another way of saying gnarly, used mostly to indicate that whatever happened was gnarlier than usual. A take off on Charles Barkley.

2. The musical group formed by Cee-Lo Green and DJ Dangermouse.

"Did you see me kickflip off that huge rail?"
"Yeah, man, it was Gnarls Barkley!"

by Ninja Robot Pirate February 9, 2007

87👍 57👎

Gnarlito's Way

As with Gnarls Barkley, this is another way of saying gnarly. A take-off on Carlito's Way.

"I can't believe the cops showed up... that party was totally Gnarlito's Way!"

by Ninja Robot Pirate February 9, 2007

12👍 4👎