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When two male patrons are in a small bathroom and they are ass to ass. One man farts into another man’s ass, that man then sensually releases the air.

Josh and Keith were in the Bambi it was tight quarters… Josh could not hold the air in his anus and released into Keith’s ass… Keith then queerf’d unexpectedly

by Nipple Knockers July 4, 2022

Titty Whiff

This action is performed with a female partner in which the breast of the female are slapped with such force that the smell of the breast travels for a distance.

Robert titty whiffed Coleen as Joey walked into the room, it smelled of steamed broccoli.

by Nipple Knockers June 29, 2016

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Mile Low Club

When in an airplane while grounded, 2 individuals have sex in the bathroom on the plane. The male ejaculates into the female while grounded, when the plane becomes airborne the semen continues to climb into the vagina cavity of his partner.

Steve wanted to become a member of the mile high club but could not contain himself with the young flight attendant. They had sex in the bathroom on a delay in Denver. Once the plane took off and her stomach felt awkward Stephani realized she was a member of the mile low club.

by Nipple Knockers May 14, 2022

Sweet lawd have mercy

When an older age man/men are/at a bar with young women and give off a very distinguished rapey vibe

Josh went to a bar and sweet lawd have mercy they were ripe

by Nipple Knockers March 25, 2021

6👍 3👎

Beard Back

When you are a a bar or event and after shooting liquor, you realize that you did not wash your face from the prior night cunnilingus on a female.

Derrek was at the bar and realized he had tasted the beard back in his shot and it was a bit crusty.

by Nipple Knockers April 9, 2021


When a female is out at a bar and decides to choose a young suitor by flashing a fleshly piece of her neither region.

This lady was at the bar but decided she wanted this taco guy and whipped-a-lip

by Nipple Knockers April 4, 2022


On a hot sweaty windy summer’s day, moisture builds in the crotch of a female, in order to bring moisture back she uses chapped-lips-stick.

It was hot as fuck at the street fair, my pussy is sweating, anyone got some of that chapped-lips-stick?

by Nipple Knockers April 4, 2022

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