Source Code

Hit up

1. To go somewhere
2. To get something from someone

1. Let's hit up Jamba Juice
2. Hit up the units for some money

by Nix & BL June 21, 2001

64👍 40👎


To take from

That dip shit gaffed my parking space

by Nix & BL June 21, 2001

14👍 24👎


A piece of shit car

1. That Nova is a hoopdashit!
2. My Dip Shit units asked me, "Are you on crack?" when I gaffed their Bernie craptacular hoopdashit.

by Nix & BL June 21, 2001

2👍 9👎

Pile of bricks

Used to describe someone's house, not necassarily in a bad way

Nice pile of bricks you live in.

by Nix & BL June 21, 2001

12👍 1👎

Good people

Used to describe people who are good

Your folks are good people.

by Nix & BL June 21, 2001

29👍 71👎


your parental "units", your parents

God the units are cramping my style

by Nix & BL June 21, 2001

65👍 59👎

Are you on crack?

Directed to someone who is acting out of control or acts like they are on drugs

Are you on crack?

by Nix & BL June 21, 2001

135👍 13👎