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When you just want to slap a girls ass because it appears so perfect.

That girl has a spanky ass.

by Noah Webster January 28, 2005

133👍 108👎


1. A women of extreme hotness characterized by ass, tits, and a face that are nothing shy of exceptional.
2. A term used clandestinely to describe a female that is spanky

Did you see that bitch, she was barky as hell.

by Noah Webster January 28, 2005

10👍 18👎


Feces, especially feces associated with an extremely foul odor. (Also spelled "dukee" in classical literature.)

Sweetheart, do you have a clothespin? I'd really like to kiss you but your breath smells like dukey.

by Noah Webster February 17, 2005

138👍 68👎


Feces, especially feces associated with an extremely foul odor. (Also spelled "dukee" in classical literature.)

Sweetheart, do you a clothespins? I'd like to kiss you but your breath smells like dukey.

by Noah Webster February 15, 2005

31👍 44👎


overly-effeminant hippie male

He can't ever party without whining and bitching about mud on his birks...he's such a kevmo.

by Noah Webster March 23, 2004

5👍 15👎


1. One who misleads another by trickery or fraud, especially in sport or card play.

2. Kirkland House of Harvard University.

Kurt, you are a cheaterhouse.

by Noah Webster April 16, 2004

24👍 10👎


One who sold a WXR for no good reason, except the fact that he is a huge pussy.

What? Your going to sell your car, you are a huge gapping Berglando!

by Noah Webster January 28, 2005

4👍 3👎