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Louisiana has some of the nicest people I've ever seen. I'm from North Louisiana and I've traveled alot. I'm used to waving to people and getting a wave back, only in Louisiana. That's southern generosity for you :) Nothing like nice Southern people with funny accents. So if your visiting Louisiana, don't be afraid to wave to us, We'll wave right back and problaby strike up a conversation with you that consists of more knowledge about our personal lives than you ever wanted to know.

Northerner: *wave
Louisianian: *wave, How are you today?
N: Very well
L: well me too! Are you hungry? Im makin some dinner if you'd like to eat with us tonight!
N: *so taken aback, his head explodes

Thats that southern Generosity from Louisiana for you!

by Noah of LA July 25, 2006

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