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A condition familiar to bodybuilders and WWE employees: acne grows on their back which, coincidentally, is where they inject their steroids.

"Look at the backne on Bobby Lashley - it's like the Pyrinees!"

by OD Smith September 15, 2007

6πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

tottenham hotspur

The "other" team in North London, if you consider Barnet to be a North London team.

Have a great history and a long list of great players, but are habitually undermined by bad managers, bad luck, bad chairmen, bad referees or a combination of any number of the above. Oh, alright, bad players as well.

The sort of team that has the players and infastructure to step up into the Top Six of the Premiership, but have suffered several false dawns in the past 25 years to be wary of expecting achievments of note, at least until they win two games in a row, at which point we're edging towards the UEFA Cup with no problem whatsoever, despite the fact we are one of the most inconsistent teams in the country, even when we aren't being screwed out of goals, clear-cut penalties and countless other refereeing decisions each and every seasons, which racks up to the traditional 8-12 placing. Oh alright, and managing to fit in at least three liabilities into the squad, two of which usually in defence. And having Alan Sugar not funding us for the best part of a decade, allowing both Arsenal and Chelsea to overtake us and brag about their five minutes in the sun.

Easy target for superior Arsenal and Chelsea fans and other glory seekers, and genuine bile from West Ham and Leeds (local rivals 300 miles up the M1, obviously). Still, at least Charlton like us, which is nice.

"This'll be the year we turn the corner!!!" (Every fan filled with the spirit of 1961 for the past twenty seasons).

by OD Smith March 8, 2005

115πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž

pete doherty

Purveyor of bland, same-old same-old indie crap that isn't particularly memorable, but it's OK! He's more famous for being a drugged-up wannabe burglar.

Can anyone actually hum a single Libertines tune?

by OD Smith March 23, 2005

103πŸ‘ 564πŸ‘Ž

Natasha Bedingfield

Irritating sister of Daniel, and purveyor of identikit, disposable pop crap that you forget about five seconds after the song ends. Doesn't even have the saving grace of being worth a centrefold in FHM.

"These words are my own, from my heart,
I love you, I love you, I love you..."

by OD Smith March 23, 2005

58πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž

CM Punk

MVP of Ring of Honor for the past 18 months, mainly due to his top-notch feuds with Raven and Samoa Joe (which included two 60-minute draws), as well as his quality ringwork and promos. Also the only cool straight edger I can think of, which is all part of his gimmick.

"I am drug free, I am alcohol free, and I am better than you."

by OD Smith April 11, 2005

683πŸ‘ 367πŸ‘Ž


The last, desperate attempt of somebody who is remarkably unfunny to get a cheap laugh. Especially if more than 51% of their act involves them dressing up as women.

About 70% of the characters in Little Britain.

by OD Smith February 16, 2005

2πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

jimmy carr

Tosser that seems to present 72% of Channel 4's output, especially their 100 Greatest lists, but is about as funny as a case of cholera. He must have a damn good agent, though.

"I wonder who'll be presenting The 100 Greatest Nazi War Atrocities on Channel 4? Oh look, it's that wanker Jimmy Carr. Can't they afford somebody better or something?"

by OD Smith March 7, 2005

67πŸ‘ 261πŸ‘Ž