Source Code


Somebody on a message board, mostly wrestling ones, showing their level of intellect by talking about two wrestlers having a "fued", rather than a feud which they are actually having.

Normally I wouldn't mind, but it seems there are hundreds of people that can't spell the damn word right, so I'm doing them a favour.

"i hope we see and exciting fued between jbl and john cena." - Bad spelling, bad grammar, and a complete inability to spot a talented wrestler in favour for a couple of really bad ones.

by OD Smith June 8, 2005

118πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Daily Mail

1.) The Fearmonger's Bible.
2.) A paper for Middle Class, Middle Aged, Middle Englanders' wives.
3.) Where bad journalists go to get paid employment.
4.) Not a tabloid, honest.

1.) "Britain is being overrun by terrorists/asylum seekers/alcopops/video nasties/Lee Bowyer..."
2.) "My word, dear. Britain appears to be overrun by terrorists/asylum seekers/alcopops/video nasties/Lee Bowyer..."
3.) "I have no journalistic integrity whatsoever, so I'll state that Britain is being overrun by terrorists/asylum seekers/alcopops/video nasties/Lee Bowyer..."
4.) "We state the Truth, such as 'Britain is being overrun by terrorists/asylum seekers/alcopops/video nasties/Lee Bowyer...', which you won't see in The Sun."

by OD Smith April 8, 2005

653πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


The old word for chav which, frankly, sounds a lot better and less self-consciously constructed to sound obnoxious by a group of journalists on a slow July nesday.

"Oh great, another pack of townies coming to kick my head in because I don't conform to their world view."

by OD Smith March 18, 2005

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

The New Adventures of Superman

When Teri Hatcher was hot.

There's something wrong with this episode of Desperate Housewives - it looks as if Teri Hatcher is eating food. Oh, wait, it's The New Adventures of Superman.

by OD Smith September 28, 2008

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The epicentre of the UK chav explosion.

"Why don't you piss off back to Romford where you belong?" - Duane Benzie, SPaced series 2

by OD Smith January 31, 2009

54πŸ‘ 284πŸ‘Ž

Girls Aloud

An oxymoron if ever there was one - a Popstars/Pop Idol band that people gave a flying fuck about come their second album. Especially Louis Walsh, as he could (and should, lets be honest) retire on the money they roll in for him.

Also seem to have been chosen for FHM centrefolds more than anything else: Cheryl has large breats (and a mean right hook, just ask that toilet attendant), Nicola has nice legs, Nicola is the obligitory ugly one...and I forgot which of the other two is which, but one has a nice ass, and the other is a good all rounder.

Watch one of their videos and notice that, rather than miming, Cheryl is stooping to show off her cleavage etc.

by OD Smith May 10, 2005

108πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž

Tony Blair

To take credit for something you had no part in, and basking in the fraudulant glory.

Dan Luger is just Tony Blairing about his role in the Rugby World Cup Final.

by OD Smith December 22, 2003

131πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž