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art matters

Art matters...well, it means art can make a real and tangible difference in people’s lives. With it you can express things that you hadn’t been able to in words. It’s a lasting representation of our past.

Here’s an example. The siege of Leningrad. The Germans had taken over Leningrad in WW2 for about two whole years, but the starving orchestra performed an amazing, compelling piece of music. They played it across the city and right in the Germans’ faces. Soon after, they gained back control of the city.

The term art matters encourages all of us to not only learn to make art, but to appreciate it it all its beauty. You don’t have to be good at it to know that it matters.

by Ok hun September 10, 2019

20👍 2👎

Speak Life

Some days life feels perfect
Other days, it just ain't workin'
The good, the bad, the right, the wrong
And everything in between
Yo it's crazy, amazing
We can turn our heart through the words we say
Mountains crumble with every syllable
Hope can live or die
So speak life, speak life
To the deadest darkest night
Speak life, speak life
When the sun won't shine and you don't know why
Look into the eyes of the broken hearted
Watch them come alive as soon as you speak hope
You speak love, you speak
You speak life, oh oh oh oh oh
You speak life, oh oh oh oh oh
Some days the tongue gets twisted
Other day my thoughts just fall apart
I do, I don't, I will, I won't
It's like I'm drowning in the deep
Well, it's crazy to imagine
Words from my lips as the arms of compassion
Mountains crumble with every syllable
Hope can live or die
Lift your head a little higher
Spread the love like fire
Hope will fall like rain
When you speak life with the words you say
Raise your thoughts a little higher
Use your words to inspire
Joy will fall like rain when you speak life with the things you say

Speak Life, song by TobyMac

by Ok hun September 12, 2019

19👍 3👎


To be more than friends with someone; to like them. Basically, to be crushing on someone.

Person 1: Do you like Tim?
Person 2: Yeah I’m totally attracted

by Ok hun September 10, 2019

67👍 15👎


They jump in the waves

Their beauty astonishing

Acting like dancers

Sleek bodies, fins, tails
Underwater, out again

Swimming through the sea

Dazzled me when I saw
Catching fish their only goal
Took my breath away

Dolphins amaze me.

by Ok hun September 14, 2019

405👍 247👎


Unicorns are a creature supposed to be mythical. The ones in myths are typically breathtakingly beautiful, and their horns are known to have magical properties. Unicorn blood will keep a person alive, or immortal even. While this type is not real, there is a unicorn that is. It is actually rather ugly, with no magical powers, but it is the national animal of Scotland. Look this up; you’ll see it’s true.

Other small fact: Marco Polo thought rhinos were unicorns!

Did you know unicorns are real?

by Ok hun September 13, 2019

380👍 32👎


Somebody who generally loves food of all different kinds, and likes to try new foods. Some foodies don’t actually have a favorite food, because they really can’t decide.

I’m a foodie.

What’s your favorite food?
I don’t have one. I really can’t decide!

by Ok hun September 30, 2019

9👍 5👎


This is the real me.

I’ve never worn makeup

Or even a crop top

I bite every single fingernail

My face is so very pale

But then again, I’ve got red ears
I’m so weird and queers

My hair, always in a messy bun
When it’s down, looks like it wants to run

Away from my face, it sticks out frizzy
I’m all in a tizzy

Ive got braces
And bold glasses

But you know what? This is who I am
I don’t need to be watched by a cam

I love to be me
Because I’m so free

Of jealousy, no wishes to be someone else

None of that stress

Let’s stop with comparison
And promote self-love, saying, “I won!”

This is me, the one that isn’t fake, but instead is truthful. The one that knows her faults, but is still proud.

by Ok hun September 18, 2019

58👍 19👎