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One who follows a strict Vegan Diet:

no beef, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy, honey or gelatin while avoiding wearing/buying/owning fur, down, silk & leather.

with the ONLY exception being the consumption fish (i.e. farm raised salmon or tuna)

Vegetarians & Pescetarians may eggs and dairy.

Vegans & Pesco-Vegans do not eat eggs or dairy, honey or gelatin. They avoid wearing/buying/owning fur, down, silk & leather.

by Olivia Mora December 1, 2007

52👍 51👎


An African American group of gangs founded in west LOS ANGELES (namely Compton) by Sylvester Scott and Vincent Owens who organized local gangs in the mid to late 60s. They wear red. Their rivals are main rivals are Crips, but sects of Bloods also war with other Bloods. Bloods are also known as Pirus, which is the name of the street where the original Blood groups formed. They are outnumbered about seven to one by the Crips in the LA area.

Bloods call Crips crabs.

by Olivia Mora February 7, 2004

2602👍 1596👎