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Homosexual love or desire, or something that arouses such loves or desires, not necessarily homosexual in itself, but perhaps just hinting at it.

The relationship between Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy was somewhat homoerotic.

Top Gun is often described as having homoerotic undertones.

Gay porn is homoerotic.

Masturbating in the same room as a load of sleeping guys is homoerotic.

by Olsen Pickett December 10, 2004

397πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž



1. A feeling of dizziness, or a particular occurance of such a feeling.
2. Blacking out
3. The state where getting intoxicated turns disorientating and extremely confusing.

High quantites of alcohol may result in a state of vertigo; Don't drink kids.

by Olsen Pickett December 8, 2004

233πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž



To be in a delirious intoxicated depression. Often results in a bad hangover.

1. Frank seems to be a bit ailleio.
2. -Where's Joe?
-Out back in ailleio.

by Olsen Pickett December 10, 2004

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

My Best Friend's Birthday

The unfinished black and white first film of Quentin Tarantino. Half destroyed in a fire, it never got a general release, however you can get bootlegged copies of the remaining 34 minutes from places like eBay.

"I well wanna see My Best Friend's Birthday!"
"Oh, I've seen that!"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, with Julia Roberts right?"
"No, that's My Best Friend's Wedding."

by Olsen Pickett January 22, 2005

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

juicy orbs

A pair of especially exquisite large breasts, firm and ample.

Sorry son, can't talk now, I'm feeling your mother's juicy orbs!

by Olsen Pickett November 26, 2004


1. Lack of flavour; untasty.
2. Lack of redeeming qualities that interest or excite you; dull, void of personality.

1. Gee Mrs Potterson! Your flapjacks sure are insipid!
2. It's not that I don't love you any more, it's just that over the past couple of weeks, I've really come to realise what a bland, insipid bastard you've become.

by Olsen Pickett November 25, 2004

127πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž



Loosely based on the word rhubarb. Refers to a person who;
a. is insanely obsessed with sickly cutsey type things
b. is insanely sickly cute
c. shit on a stick sold at a cheap local cafe.

Girl: I love snoopy!
Boy: Roobaab!

Yeah, I'll have some of that roobarb donna kebab shit.

by Olsen Pickett December 9, 2004

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž