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Bibletards are people who are a mixture of a retard and and idiot. They are people who preach to people and don't even know what the heck they are preaching about. The sad thing they are like Jehovah's Witnesses because bibletards get their face slammed into the door.


by One little hellian March 13, 2017

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its the name who Cena calls everybody on his youtube video.

Cena: you little hippie assclowns

by One little hellian February 23, 2017

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A place where people go for pornwatching while trying to desperately look up answers. Also a place where desperate men try to go and literally get laid by some girl who would rather fuck herself than that fucker on the internet who is in england.

Jeez wtf is wrong the internet

by One little hellian February 23, 2017

middle school

1.) Where everybody is so in a rush to grow up.

2.) (for boys) girls who won't even talk to you that you known since kindergarten.

3.) (for girls) boys who act like major assholes towards girls.

4.) dreams crushed that you have had since Elementary

5.) see hell

1. A middle schooler called emo on the first day blows bubbles in his milk.


emo: ITS FUN

2.and 3. some kid talks to a girl and the girl says she is out of his league. some girl talks to her crush and he acts like a major asshole

4. teacher yells at you that you'll never accomplish anything.

5. The Government welcomes you to hell.

So middle schoolers listen fuck everything and don't listen to anything. You don't have to grow up until you are in high school because there are assholes who will try to jump you for not growing up. Fuck relationships they never last long anyway remember you can accomplish your dreams. If the teacher says otherwise you tell her to fuck off.

by One little hellian January 12, 2017

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Idiots who try to make themselves look good in public but really are embarrassing.

If you want to be corny then go ahead and embarrass yourself in public.

by One little hellian January 17, 2017

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Revolutionary War

The revolution war was the one war that made Britain lose everything. It all started after the French and Indian War. The colonists had no representatives or anything. So they fight the British and won 8 of 10 major battles that actually counted. France helped the colonists after they won the Battle of Saratoga.

Revolutionary War is still talked to this day about.

by One little hellian October 24, 2017

second industrial revolution

It's a time where America really started to compete with other countries in order to become more powerful. It is also where America started to get towns like Oil City and the western part of the United States.

Donald Trump didn't make America great again. The second industrial revolution did.

by One little hellian March 10, 2017