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Revolutionary War

The revolution war was the one war that made Britain lose everything. It all started after the French and Indian War. The colonists had no representatives or anything. So they fight the British and won 8 of 10 major battles that actually counted. France helped the colonists after they won the Battle of Saratoga.

Revolutionary War is still talked to this day about.

by One little hellian October 24, 2017


Idiots who try to make themselves look good in public but really are embarrassing.

If you want to be corny then go ahead and embarrass yourself in public.

by One little hellian January 17, 2017

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second industrial revolution

It's a time where America really started to compete with other countries in order to become more powerful. It is also where America started to get towns like Oil City and the western part of the United States.

Donald Trump didn't make America great again. The second industrial revolution did.

by One little hellian March 10, 2017

elementary school

The best damn thing of my life. There was no detentions back then. You just either had to apologize or sit timeout. You actually made friends for who you were. The teachers were way nicer and you actually got rewarded for doing good work.

Elementary school was fun. Now that Im in retarded high school I was I was back in elementary school

by One little hellian November 13, 2017

85πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


He is so fucked up. He teaches kids that they need to love their families inside and out. Probably why incest occurs. Barney teaches kids that the world is a beautiful place. The sad thing it is not. We are trying to kick ISIS ass back to where it came from. The world is down on money. Donald Trump became president and is possibly going to start a world war 3 on top of a nuclear war. Barney all he is doing is making little kids believe that the world is a wonderful place and to prove it he sings these retarded songs. He also makes it to where kids have no personality or life.

Barney needs to go to hell

by One little hellian November 13, 2017


The way of losing your virginity before you get married.

Fuck it Im gonna fornicate. I rather lose my virginity to fornication rather than being married then losing virginity.

by One little hellian November 8, 2017

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

santa claus

He is nothing but a fucked up dude. Think about it he climbs into people's houses and gives them presents for being nice ( really all kids are gonna be bad) and gives them coal if they are naughty ( which is fucked really). I mean if you come to your senses there is no way that Santa Claus is still alive. Think about Kris Kringle was born in the middle ages or sometime before that right. So how the fuck is he still alive. Either someone took his place or he is on some drugs that kept him alive all this years. The elves really? No one is elf with pointy ears. The reindeers really? First of all reindeer cannot fly. Second of all reindeer are mammals which means they cannot fly, but they can have babies. Last his retarded laugh, is retarded "HO HO HO" No wonder why no girls like him because every girl there is by calling them hoes.

Kids, if you want true joy around christmas give and be thankful for friends, family, and your girlfriend if you have one.

Santa claus needs to go to hell, because he makes the holidays fucked up and changing what they mean. I cant wait for New years.

by One little hellian November 18, 2017

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