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a feeling often associated with life, but in my experience it defines the purest senzation of living. i can also confirm it s always followed by a river of sensations connected to the soul and mind. i recommend having "an existance" in your life, any form or any way it comes. i love you.

person 1: tell me a word thet describes you at best
person 2: uuuuh, existence i guess i don't why?

person 1: nothing don't worry :)

by Osama Been Laggin April 19, 2021

5👍 1👎


when a car or general vehicle makes u feel good and provides you with sexual sensations.

Aladin: OMG this Ferrari looks soooo damn good i wanna fuck it.
Aladin: Look at that Ferrari's ass.... daayum, i think i have a bonercar.

by Osama Been Laggin April 19, 2021

Omul Rosu

The guy who tells his kid no all the time

kid: dad can i
omul rosu: nu

by Osama Been Laggin April 15, 2021