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ecto 3

The ecto 3 is a phenomenon by itself for in the real ghostbusters ( Slimer and the real ghostbusters) is a unicyle motorcycle with a side car , made for two persons .

The trouble with this vehicle is that the toy maker Kenner made their own version of the ecto 3 being a go kart with ghost swatter in the front so technically the ecto 3 is a motor unicycle and a go kart both made for and by the ghostbusters in the animated serie .

The ecto 3 toy is nothing like the ecto 3 from the tv cartoons .

by P.A. 037 February 5, 2010

Ghost trap

Ghost trap , also known as the trap in every Ghostbusters movies , series or comics .

The trap is used to temporarily contain ghosts until the Ghostbusters reach their containment unit in their H.Q. .

Accordin to the 2009 Game by Atari the ecto 1a one is equipped with a bigger version of the trap on its roof top .

In the classic atari 2600sega master systemNesand other consoles , the ecto 1 also have the capacity to trap ghosts but without the proton energy stream .

Don't stare directly in the trap !

Empty the trap in the containment unit .

Ghost trap is part of the basic equipment used by the ghostbusters .

by P.A. 037 February 6, 2010


Classic horror arcade video game of 1986.
Made by Exidy .
It is a game played with a light shotgun .

The game itself is divided in 4 levels : the torture chamber , the hall , a second torture chamber and finally the cemetary .

every time you complete one of the level by finding all the secret items before the time ends , you will be rewarded a slot machine bonus and if you finish all four levels finding all the secret items , you are awarded a shoot em up bonus rouds worth a lot of points .

This game is a real sadic one ,, not onlly you must destroy paranormal entities like zombies , ghosts , rats and bats and such but also you have to eliminate what seems to be innocent persons as well .

The game itself is well made and has terrific sounds but its amazing that it got distributed without trouble or censorship .

This game spawned a bootleg remake for the ever so popular Nintendo entertainment system (NES) 8 bit console .

For a quarter you can play the game Chiller .

They made a bootleg version of chiller for the NES 8 Bit .

by P.A. 037 February 5, 2010

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Proton pack

The proton pack is a fictional piece of equipment (Prop )used by the Ghostbusters in every episodes , film and comic books , it is what makes the Ghostbusters what they are .

Proton packs are essencially nuclearaccelerators that are used to accelerate particles also known as Particle throwers .

The particles create an energy stream or ribbon used to catch ghosts , it does not trap them only direct them to the ghost trap witch is emptiend in the containment unitinside the Ghostbusters firehouse headquarter basement .

Important to note that particle stream or ribbons should not be crossed or enter in contact with each other because the results could be catastrophic according the Egon Spengler in the first movie , yet in the 2009 Ghostbusters game simply cause some painful thingling to the characters .

In the 2009 games it is also noted that the packs can be upgraded with slime thrower and other types of energy beams to help the Ghostbusters cope with different kinds of spooks .

Note that in the pilot episodes of The real ghostbuster the ecto 1 have a particle thrower canon mounted on a seat on the hearse roof witch can also be seen in the toy version of Kenner , and in the DS version , the only one you can actually control the ecto 1A you can use a similar particle thrower .

Proton packs are unlicensed nucclear accelerators .

by P.A. 037 February 6, 2010

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Leonardo Davinci

Born 1452 in florence (april 15th).

Famous painter and inventor and scientist , he made many famous paintings including the world famous Mona lisa also known as the La Gioconda , also The last supper .

He also created plans for incredible machines that took centuries for mankind to finally achieve , like the : helicopter , submarine and steam cannons and more , unfortunately many of his inventions where not practical .

Leonardo was more a sketcher than a painter , making famous sketches of inventions he thought , many sketches of paintings he wanted to do and of course , after studying many human corpses ( as was allowed for scholars at the time .) made many drawings of human anathomy .

Over all , Leonardo Davinci was a genius well known around the world .

Leonardo Davinci was , painter ,scholar and scientist of the 15th century .

by P.A. 037 February 9, 2010

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A fictional group of paranormal investigators expert in removal of entities started in 1984 . The team is composed of Peter Venkman , Egon Spengler , Ray Stanz and later the addition of Winston Zeddemore not to forget their pet ghost Slimer and secretary Jeanine Melnitz .

Their adventures can be seen but not limited to :Ghostbusters , Ghostbusters 2 , The real ghostbusters also known as Slimer and the real Ghostbusters animated serie , The real Ghostbusters comic books and magazines and also a panoply of arcade and video games for PC and home video game systems .

Their equipments are mainly : Proton pack , Ghost traps , P.K.E. Meter .

Their vehicles of choise is the famous ectomobile called theEcto 1 the renamed Ecto1 a for the second installment of their movie Ghostbusters II .

Also those vehicles can be seen in their adventures : ecto 2 also known as the ecto-copter , ecto 3 either a mono-motorcycle with side car , ecto bomber and in the comic vertion , the ecto 4 and finally the ecto 8 thug boat .

Not only the Ghostbusters bust ghosts but all kind of paranormal phenomenon like Demons , holiday ghosts , spirits of all sorts.

Who you gonna call ? Ghostbusters .

Ghostbusters , paranormal investigators .

by P.A. 037 February 6, 2010

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Ghost are to some the product of your imagination and to other an entity that was alive at one point but didn't cross to the other side when they died .

Tought to be the spirits of the dead and some other malign forces that plays tricks on humans or sometimes convey messages to mediums from the other side of the grave .

Some of them wanting to finish an unfinished buisness when they where alive .

Some ghosts are tought to act for different purposes as :
Breaking objects or flickering lights , those are called poltergheist .
Conveing messages , those are called apparitions and sometimes E.V.P..
Some wnats to show their presences , those are sometimes called shadow ghosts , sometimes , orbs , apparitions .

Ghost are known in many cultures , bearing different names .
Sometimes called poltergheist , ghost , spook , phantom , specter , wraith ,apparition , cul-de-jatte , banshee , kyonchi , spirit , phantasm , possesor and such

A ghost is immaterial .

There are many kind of ghosts .

by P.A. 037 February 6, 2010

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