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Bruh Moment

A bruh moment is when something is so shocking and unexpected, the victim can only respond with “Bruh”. A bruh moment is also measured by its “Bruh Velocity” or “BV” which also means “Bad Vibes”. For example, the pizza rolls not being ready demonstrates low signs of BV. Karen taking the kids, however, shows much more bruh velocity.

Man 1: *Is diagnosed with cancer* Bruh...
Man 2: Wow, that bruh moment looked like it had a ton of Bruh Velocity

by PP Man December 2, 2019

24👍 5👎

duck fuck spaggetti

fucking a duck that is eating left over spaggety while getting your cock sucked my a sexy biafrin with herpys

duck fuck spaggetti is a mohamid alli

by PP Man September 11, 2010

8👍 23👎