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Internet trash

When you rather have the internet than your friends. You have a Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Wattpad, and even MySpace account! You get a billion notifications because of subscription box or because you need to do something! You read, watch videos, blog, play games, chat, email, listen to music and ignore all outside life like most people that are reading are! lol! It's okay because most people are internet trash!

"Omg!! Aren't we all internet trash?!"

by Panic! At the references! October 26, 2016

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Band trash

When you love so many bands, when you've been to far to many concerts, when your iTunes account is in debt, when most of your closet contains band tees, and when 70% of your brain contains lyrics and 30% is useless facts about band members.

Sam: why are those girls all wearing the same band tee?
Sarah: Because they are band trash!

by Panic! At the references! October 24, 2016


A really white teenager that loves Starbucks. She will got at least twice a week. She wears really expensive clothes and looks pretty okay. She's popular but yiu wouldn't think she is.

"Is that Amber again at the mall?!"

"Amber slays!"

by Panic! At the references! October 26, 2016

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A really hot teenage boy that gets Starbucks often and is a really nice person. His name is short for Michael or Mike but he's too cool of that. He understands everyone and can stand up for anyone. He wears popular clothes and smells like expensive cologne.

"Wow I wish Mikey was my bae!!"
"How'd you end up with that amazing guy, Mikey!?"

by Panic! At the references! October 26, 2016

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I don't know why

Idkw tbh

by Panic! At the references! October 27, 2016

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


It's basically the opposite of a wifi hotspot, but it's not like your living without wifi or your in Amish country. Once you try to load a video or anything somewhat important it buffers than works than buffers than works and on and on and Starbucks is too far away.

"Dang this is a Wifi-coldspot!!"

by Panic! At the references! October 27, 2016


When you were in the middle of something really important whether it be a paper, video, text, even a book and the wifi goes out. It's that little cry that comes out when it goes out and it's terrifying because you don't want to call any of the wifi guys, go to Starbucks to steal wifi or wait it out and pray that it comes back.

"Omg the wifi went out!!!-wificry--"

by Panic! At the references! October 26, 2016