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dirty dathal

The act of fingering your bum while in the missionary sex position with a girl, then using your shitty brown index finger do a simba mark on her forehead while simultaneously cumming in her nose to hide the smell of shit. This must all be done while humming the lion king theme tune.

I was with Sarah last night and she asked me to do something disgusting in bed so I gave her a dirty dathal

by Papa paddy April 17, 2020

dirty orla

When a girl will use anything as a dildo during the corona virus pandemic due to sheer sexual frustration and extreme hornyness

Girl1: My fanny was absolutely throbbing last night and I don’t have a dildo so i had to use the back of a screwdriver.

Girl2: OMG you did a dirty orla

by Papa paddy April 17, 2020

7👍 5👎

penultimate bop

A lost soul with no friends wandering aimlessly through a bar or nightclub. Usually after 11pm.

Look at that fella there, he’s on a penultimate bop!

by Papa paddy December 23, 2022