Source Code

Justifiable cuntness

When a 3rd party can justify your cunt like actions.

"I've seen you be a cunt to others." "Did they deserve it?" "Yep" "justifiable cuntness. Doesn't count."

by Patty D May 29, 2022

I'm out

When a gangsta leaves

Yo im outa this piece like a fat girl in dodgeball

by Patty D February 25, 2003

106👍 53👎

2 scoops

when u see a fine ass bitz and u know u wanna hi that u gosta ask her fo some scoops of that fine ass

Yo bitz let me get 2 scoops of that fine ass

by Patty D February 25, 2003

10👍 23👎

willy nilly

When a situation gets too crazy to handle

yo man this shit is straight willy nilly up in this piece

by Patty D February 25, 2003

24👍 71👎