Source Code

Spaghetti Man

1.) A man who is very thin, tall and bendy, often found on the Northern coast of South America.
2.) A person who is clearly insane and who has been released from a mental home without full tests being done.
3.) An Italian male who is a hit with the ladies due to his diet of spaghetti and olive oil.

Francesca: Mama Mia!! Look at that crazy man with no clothes on, he is making silly noises like a deformed dog, whats wrong with him?
Lisconelli: He is a "spaghetti Man" so don't be mean, he can not help being crazy.
Francesca: I wasn't being mean! You always look for the worst in me Lisconelli, i'm getting sick of it now!
Lisconelli: You are over reacting again. Maybe you are a "Spaghetti Man"!

by Paul Fleming July 30, 2006

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Money Slut

These ladies are the filth of society. They search out a partner and the only attribute that is of interest to them is financial. Often seen with gentlemen twice their age, or in large expensive vehicles. They very rarely have children as they are too selfish to look after anyone except themselves. These ladies are the same as whores, except they have to stay with the client until he dies, then claims the money that the client (husband) has left her.

Samuel: Wasn't the funeral sad, I didn't see any tears from the dead mans widow though, I thought it was his daughter until Debbie told me it was his wife.
Mark: Yeah, she's a "Money Slut", she was fucking behind his back for years, I even had a piece of her ass last May. She's loaded now though.

by Paul Fleming July 10, 2006

32πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

second hand dartboard

A phrase used in a describing a female that has had many sexual partners, and who is generally known as a whore.

"Look at that slut over there, she has had more pricks in her than a second hand dartboard."

by Paul Fleming July 8, 2006

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

slut bunny

1. A common name for an attractive female who is always willing to give herself up for sex without expecting any financial, or emotional gain in return. Often confused with fuck bunny, with the only difference being a slut bunny is more prone to expecting more than one partner at a time.
2. A beautiful girl who readily gives herself up for sex on a regular basis and refuses to accept cash in return.
3. A female who has a reputation for sleeping with anyone, anywhere and is also good looking.

Wow, I met a gorgeous girl last night, ItҀ™s early days, but I hope she is a Slut Bunny!

by Paul Fleming July 8, 2006

109πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Thumb Downer

A person who visits the "urban Dictionary" website with the intention of reading peoples entries, and then giving them a thumbs down. Often these people have had traumatic events in their lives that have caused them to be so full of hate and anger that the only way they can express their hate on the world is to give people "thumbs down" on a website meant for peoples amusement and pleasure.

Jonnie: Hey man, I'm feeling angry because my Momma made me eat cold beans when I was little, and I need a way to let the world know I'm suffering and angry, what should I do?
Stevie: Why don't you go on the urban dictionary website and become a "Thumb Downer"? Just read something that someone has wrote for your amusement, then give it a thumbs down. I do it all the time!
Jonnie: Thats great advice, Thanks Stevie, People like you make the world a great place to be!

by Paul Fleming December 30, 2006

40πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Slut Jockey

A male with a reputation of sleeping with the opposite sex as frequently as he requires. Normally the "slut jockey" isn't particularly fussy about his partner. As the name suggests, he is like a jockey, but instead of a jockey riding 5 horses on a single day (ie. at Aintree), this male may ride up to 5 females. He also stays in character by telling his partner how well they did, and may even give them a pat on the top of their head to show his appreciation of their efforts.

Damien: Look at that guy over there, those girls are
desperate to be fucked by him.
Daryll: Yeah, thats Nigel, he's fucking more girls a day than I get to talk to, he's a Slut Jockey.
Damien: Oh, I see. Lucky Bastard.

by Paul Fleming July 9, 2006

29πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Whore Seeker

A "Whore Seeker" is the name given to a male who will visit certain locations to look for sex. He will generally visit places he knows whores vacate, such as gyms, Bars, and supermarkets. He is never fussy but refuses to pay for sex. He is not concerned with appearance and lives by the motto that there is no such thing as bad sex.

Suzzie: I met a guy at the gym yesterday, he took me to his place, made love to me, then took a pepsi from my fridge and left saying he had better sex with his 65 year old aunt. I was so upset.
Leslie: Don't take it personally, he sounds like a "Whore Seeker" and you made it easy for him and you need to have a little more self respect.
Suzzie: I know, it really upset me because it was my last pepsi.

by Paul Fleming July 17, 2006

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