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An Acronym for PanzerAbwehrKanone, a term loosely applied to many large or heavy-barrelled antitank weapons utilized by the German army in World War II.

The Krauts had set up two PAK40s on either side of the farmhouse.

by Paul Nowak August 18, 2006

26👍 18👎


Literally translated to "storm troop", Sturmtruppen were heavily armed and armored assault soldiers used primarily in World War I by Germany to lead an attack on an enemy trench line. Oftentimes advancing under cover of poison gas, sturmtruppen used not only Mauser rifles, but MP-18 submachine guns, pistols, flamethrowers, and even clubs.

A sturmtruppe might carry eight to ten grenades, while the ordinary soldier had none.

by Paul Nowak August 18, 2006

16👍 1👎