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Shannon is a fun loving person she’s very optimistic and cares more about others than herself. There is never a boring day when Shannon is around.

I want to be like Shannon

by Paveet April 25, 2019

304👍 45👎


Jacob is a needy Person Who always relies on other peoples affection. Jake up does not have a lot of friends and no significant other because they’re too scared of commitment

I don’t like Jacobs

by Paveet April 25, 2019

2👍 4👎


Storm cloud

What a pretty AutumnRayne it is

by Paveet April 25, 2019


Rajan is a person who is a lot like a princess in certain ways and always has a tendency to give people the middle finger even when unnecessary

What the Rajan

by Paveet April 25, 2019

2👍 7👎


Paveet is a strong woman of an Indian background.She is strong and independent

I love paveet

by Paveet April 25, 2019


Paveet:she is an Indian who is a brown ass cookie

Look at that paveet

by Paveet April 25, 2019