Source Code

Pinky Down Dub

Would You? If you could? W- DUB
Pinky Down Fag that you would fuck.

Check it Krusher. Pinkey Down Dub. Lets make a Russian Sandwitch out of him.

by Pentajock Dot Com October 24, 2003

8👍 6👎


v. 1. To be appropriately inappropriate. 2. To accomplish a helping task with ambiguous pleasure.

n. 1. To be an appropriately innapropriate person. 2. To be an ambiguous yet outgoing person. 3. A friend that is often a foe.

Don't be a snikerdy-pop; Stop giving that poor baby a russian sandwitch!

Why don't you help me snicker that tire into the back yard. We are playing quintel afterall...

Don't be a snick.

by Pentajock Dot Com July 4, 2005

59👍 34👎

russian sandwitch

Pretzel Grip a bitch's head and force fuck the uvula. When gagging starts, tag in your friend and make a sandwitch out of her.

Golpher and I gave that Reggin a Russian Sandwitch.

by Pentajock Dot Com May 23, 2003

82👍 39👎