Source Code


A software application that is actually build using the RCG. Originally designed as a web based 401(k) record keeping system it has since evolved into a source of income while reading "The Onion", "Dilbert", "Mr Cranky", downloading mp3s, and discussing Southpark.

Hey have you seen The Onion yet? Nope, don't have time, I'll wait until I'm working on pronto and waiting for a screen to load.

by Pepe Roni July 18, 2003

10👍 85👎


Random Code Generator - a bizarre way of reinventing ASP. It is often used by VFP developers who are bent on their obsolete language and adverse to learning anything new.

Your software isn't working? It's certainly a problem with the RCG.

by Pepe Roni July 18, 2003

9👍 30👎


The practice of avoiding something at all cost. Often involves pushing the work off to someone else using any possible means. Sometimes a task is just left until it no longer exist and then one can say they solved it.

Oh no, my work queue is full, I've been menachemed.

by Pepe Roni July 18, 2003

41👍 26👎