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for dinner

Not in actuality; deceptively spoken. Stated either with irony or as part of a ruse. As opposed to for breakfast. Synonym of for joke.

Pancake Master: I'm the Pancake Master.

Bubble King: Oh, for dinner?

Pancake Master: No man, for breakfast (of course)!

by Pete Calleri April 22, 2010

43👍 16👎

for breakfast

In actuality; truthfully spoken. Stated without irony or any intention of deception. As opposed to for dinner.

"I don't even have a mobile phone."

"Oh, for breakfast?"

"Yeah, for breakfast--never had one."

by Pete Calleri April 19, 2010

54👍 24👎


The perpetual and unfailing insanity ("i") of females of all ages, races, creeds, colors, religions, sexual orientations, and other dispositional differentiators, without exception.

"Man, 100% of girls are just crazy. Every last one of them, I swear."

"Dealin' with some of that i-factor lately?"

by Pete Calleri February 8, 2008

60👍 7👎

for joke

Lacking veracity, told as an untruth or in a joshing manner. As opposed to for breakfast. Synonym of for dinner.

Greg Warner: I wrote this song.
Joseph McIlhaney: Oh, for breakfast?
Greg Warner: No, for joke. But I did write a substantial portion of the modern pop catalogue, for breakfast.

by Pete Calleri April 22, 2010

30👍 5👎


(adjective) Worthwhile; perceived as possessing some value or significance by another party.

The types of people who would resent you for your salary are not worth-a-dang people.

by Pete Calleri June 18, 2008

53👍 7👎


A combination of a "fairy" and a "fag." The term is not as ubiquitous, and therefore not considered to be as offensive, as either root term, but is mostly usable as a substitute for either in its own connotations.

Beastor-X: What's with you wearing that wig all the time, are you some kind of fairg?

Switchblade: Uhh, shut up dude, you're the fairg!

by Pete Calleri September 11, 2007

73👍 6👎