Source Code

split the charge

A non-existent defence, used by those who mistakenly believe that if a crime is committed in conjunction with others, the charge can be split, thereby reducing one's sentence (has been used in conjunction with the defence bender your honour)

"Bender your Honour! My client was hoping that as he committed the offence with his two mates, they could all split the charge"
(Judge) "throw the defendant in jail!"

by Phil Bailey April 14, 2005

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Sports invest

The investment of funds, paid to a bookie, betting on the outcome of a sporting event

"I need some extra cash, hmmm, i know, i'll throw three hundred bucks on the Melbourne Storm against the Panthers, that has got to be a lock of the week"

by Phil Bailey April 15, 2005

Hummer girl

Girl employed to do nothing other than give you a hummer

"when i win the lottery, i am getting a hummer girl"

by Phil Bailey April 14, 2005

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Bender your honour

Used as a repeated excuse, for unforgivable behaviour, as a result of drinking too much

(message left on answering machine) "Phil, do you remember me walking in on you fucking my sister last night? you are so off, also, my cat's pregnant"
(first words spoken on return phone call to own brother)"Bender your honour!"

by Phil Bailey April 14, 2005

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Don't you judge me

Used as an exclamation against those who seek to take the moral highground and pass judgement, when they have no such right to pass judgement

(random person living life of quiet desperation): "that is sick that you fucked your sister"
(God's lonely man): "Don't you judge me!"

by Phil Bailey April 14, 2005

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Meth breath

The condition experienced after an all night bender, whereby one's breath takes the form of methylated spirits fumes

"Oh god, i am never drinking again, I have the worst meth breath ever, here, pass me a mint will you"

by Phil Bailey April 14, 2005

51πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

pig rooter

Man who will fuck any girl, regardless of how fat and ugly she is

Oh man, that guy is a total pigrooter, did you see the fatty he did last night?

by Phil Bailey April 14, 2005

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