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hand grenade

A hand grenade is a melon flavored alcoholic beverage sold at Tropical Isles on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Marketed as the strongest drink on Bourbon Street, it is the equivalent of about 4 1/2 standard drinks

Paul drank three hand grenades and woke up the next morning in the gutter in New Orleans East with a sore anus.

by Playa N March 18, 2006

353👍 90👎

18 years

(n) The length of time some woman has control over your assets after you knock her up.

She wouldn't get an abortion, so now the bitch has my wages garnished for the next 18 years

by Playa N March 3, 2006

54👍 21👎

beastin' it

1. Partaking in sexual intercourse
2. To make use of something in a patently fiendish manner

1. Nash and Sarah were beastin' it last night; they call him the magician.

2. Jessica: Where is my Chinese food?
Peter: Oh, I'm beastin' it right now.
Jessica: You drunk-ass fiend!

by Playa N May 25, 2006

29👍 13👎

lay game

Synonimous with spit game, using one's skills to persuade the desired person to give one their phone number, a blow job, ass play, or some other prize

Nash was trying to lay game all night with those magic tricks of his, but all the ladies were disgusted when he asked them to hold his little red balls.

by Playa N April 21, 2006

29👍 6👎