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The poop deck usually begins with a blumpkin and transitions when your partner realizes how much you both had to eat at Poncho's Mexican Buffet. Your girl transitions from the kneeling chicken head and moves to a romantic strattled position and inserts your meat missle into her cock koozie. At this point you are positioned for greatness provided you have not finished your BM. The two of you will drop the kids off at the exact same time and like olympic diving it is important not to splash. Now wipe your ass and tell that bitch to make you a sandwich.

I'm enjoying this blumpkin but i could really go for a poopdeck.

by Poop Deck September 13, 2014

61👍 75👎


A Japanese series of Animation and Games that was banned in Kansas for promoting "Evolution".

"Dammit Mom! Why are you taking away my Pokemon Cards!?" "Because it will teach you that you were a monkey once."

by Poop Deck May 30, 2007

117👍 32👎