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A word used by people of questionable intellect to appear smart. As one of the larger of the commonly used English words, weighing in at a whopping four syllables, "situation" is a favorite go-to word for minorities during job interviews. Often pronounced sitch-ee-ation in this regard.

Employer: Tell me what you think you can offer this company?

Black lady: Well, I think this is a good situation for my current...uh...situation. I was in a similar situation, you know, in my previous employment ...situation...oh kaaaay?

by Poopy-face Tomato Nose February 21, 2013

9👍 17👎


A (usually) involuntary outburst of joy, brought about by the sudden observation that one has, or is about to achieve, personal gain or wealth.

Jack Black: Third decree: no more... rich people: and poor people.
From now on, we will all be the same...

ummm, I dunno,
I gotta think about that...
We'll lead as Two Kings

Ah yeah, ah yeahhhahahaha.
Ha-ha-ho-hee, ha-ha-ho-hee-ha-ha-ho-ho-ho-ho. <- Wealthgasm.

by Poopy-face Tomato Nose May 17, 2023


An aged black person. A portmanteau of "senior" and "yo".

See also: Old G, Ol' G, Old Gangsta, etc.

"Damn, that seinyo is lookin' CRISP! Musta been a busta..."

by Poopy-face Tomato Nose September 9, 2014